You need to scroll down to find the button.
  1. Go to webpage
  2. scroll to element
  3. click
  4. Validate partial text

Scroll to the button

With 100s of built in actions with programing logic, you will be able to automate all your Cloud, Mobile, Desktop, REST, Performance, Database and many more. You will be able to create, manage, schedule, and run all your test cases from your secure private ZeuZ server. Test cases in ZeuZ do not have any file system; you can think of test cases are containers. Each test cases have multiple “Steps” (Example, Login). You can then add many “Actions” to each of your “Steps”. If we take “Login” as our step, you may have 3 “Actions”: 1. Enter Username 2. Enter Password 3. Click to Sign In. Once you Run this test case, ZeuZ will automatically, translate all your input information and translate them to code that will execute in your test machine. All relevant log, screen capture, results, and file attachment will be uploaded to your secure server for that session (referred to as RUNID). This approach of Database centric approach along with the hybrid data-driven testing approach enabled us to solve some of the most challenging aspects of test automation - namely test maintenance. Because all our test case data are stored in your private secure database, it gives you the flexibility to batch update flow or test data of large volume of test cases without submitting any new. Because all our test cases are created in the Cloud, there is no difference between manual and automated test cases (in terms of steps/description/expected). This also addresses a major issue with test report for execution and maintenance (what has been automated and what has not). Since all test cases are built on your steps, you can pinpoint the exact root cause of failure and build a much precise report that combines both manual and automated test cases in a single framework.